
Thank you for taking some time with Art for Awakening. I hope you have found it to be a meaningful experience. You are welcome to share your responses, insights and wisdom here.

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Comments (10)

This site is so awesome! Way to go, Rahima and Mashuri!

Much love,

Tue Nov 11 14:11:21 2008 , 02:11 PM | Edit

Anin Utigaard

I have explored your website and love it. It’s wonderful and it brought back memories of some of our work together. You’ve had such an incredible journey and I really respect you for being a role model for all of us and sharing your process – how beautiful!
Tue Nov 18 13:44:40 2008 , 01:44 PM | Edit

Shellee Davis

Wow. Great website. It’s such a good example of how expressive arts can be a vehicle for Soul to heal and guide us. You’re very generous, sharing your personal story and your dreams/expressive arts processes. And your transition and transformation into a writer, letting go of your practice, is inspiring and courageous.
Wed Nov 19 15:59:21 2008 , 03:59 PM | Edit

Linda Birch

Your site is amazing! wonderful, layered, rich, easy to navigate, fantastic. I’m sure it will inspire many people and give their aspirations a big booster shot.
Wed Nov 19 16:03:20 2008 , 04:03 PM | Edit

Merideth Bowen Shamszad

WOW! Your website is amazing! Your paintings are so rich, full of insight and life–a gift. I love the interactive, experiential quality of your site and especially the questions for contemplation with each series. I like that there are different passages thru it: the slideshows, the thematic with poetry, dialog, dreams.
…this is truly a work of art, a soul’s creation, and I am so excited about it! Congratulations!
I love what the ancient earth god said,
“Love and honor your depths, your heart, your Truth that is Mystery, and be glad of your unknowable depths.”
You have done just that. Bravo!
Thu Nov 20 18:29:49 2008 , 06:29 PM | Edit


“I just spent a half hour on your amazing website! This art show is your deep inner journey in art, writing and spiritual work. AMAZING! … How wonderful to see/feel where you have gone on your inner journey.”
Sat Nov 22 13:39:17 2008 , 01:39 PM | Edit

Bev Valentine

The web-site is amazing! At first, I was drawn in by the beauty and intrigue of the art-work, but the combination of art and story soon awakened parts of myself I’ve managed to “anesthetize,” one way or another, stirring old, long buried wounds. Simultaneously, the images, passion, colors, and words called forth the strength and wisdom of my own heart’s courage and deep feminine, evoking a deep longing for more connection with myself and other women committed to awakening.
Sat Nov 22 13:41:37 2008 , 01:41 PM | Edit

chris Zydel

Congratulations, kudos and many, many vigorous pats on the back! You have accomplished something truly magical here. You are providing such an amazing source of inspiration for the weary , meaning starved soul in us all. This gorgeous site tucked away in a corner of the internet feels like sacred space, like sanctuary, like solace. Who knew that such an experience could be created in the virtual reality of cyberspace? But here it is and it is truly a gift. Being here with your powerful images and words makes me feel like I can open up and breathe again. Like something hungry in me is getting very deeply fed. Like I can stop all the doing, if only for a moment, and through the power of your words and images, just be with the energies of what is most deeply essential. I am grateful and will come back often.
Tue Nov 25 17:29:13 2008 , 05:29 PM | Edit

Joan Ruderman

What a blessing it is to rediscover the mysteries you share here through your powerful language and imagery. To be reminded, at a time when the world is reeling from excesses of greed and abuse of power, suffering incalculable pain and grief, reconnecting with the eternal oneness is indeed precious and inspirational.
Mon Feb 16 16:44:36 2009 , 04:44 PM | Edit


Very nice site.
Thu Apr 29 10:53:08 2010 , 10:53 AM | Edit


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