Rahima’s Education and Professional Experience
Rahima is a seasoned navigator in the realms of the soul. To over 30 year’s professional training and experience, she adds a depth of understanding from her ongoing inner work, spiritual practice, ceremony, and vision quests. Through her inner journey and her work with others, she has found that free creative and symbolic expression fosters self-acceptance, deepens our connection with our souls and with Spirit, and empowers us to follow our unique path to a soul-satisfying life.
Her first year of college at Cairo American University in Egypt enhanced Rahima’s interest in the human condition, leading her to major in Sociology and Anthropology at UC-Berkeley. In the early 1970’s she completed a BA in Sociology and an MA in Social Psychology at the University of Illinois at Chicago Circle. After living in Ethiopia for two years wither first husband, she returned to California. She worked in survey research and social service jobs, and then spent six years working for the Social Security Administration.
In 1978, she entered the first accredited MA program in transpersonal psychology at John F. Kennedy University, then in Orinda, CA, where she completed Master’s Degrees in Clinical Psychology and Transpersonal Counseling, graduating in 1981.
As part of her counseling internship, she studied Jungian psychology and dreamwork with Strephon Kaplan Williams at his Jungian-Senoi Dreamwork Institute in Berkeley, and began to lead workshops and dream groups.
In 1984, she earned her California state license as a Marriage & Family Therapist, and started her private practice as a psychotherapist and transpersonal counselor. She also began the spiritual practice of Subud and married her wonderful husband, Mashuri.
She continued her professional training, with extensive studies of Focusing, Self-Acceptance Training, Process-Oriented Psychology, and Sandtray WorldplayTM with Gisela Schubach De Domenico, PhD.
In 1994, she began her training in Expressive Art Therapy at the Person-Centered Expressive Therapy Institute, founded by Natalie Rogers, PhD, earning her Certificate in 1997.
Weaving all these strands together, she created a deep process of inner growth called SoulPlay, and led SoulPlay workshops and women’s groups. She also led Image, Symbol and Dream trainings for psychotherapists and counselors.
In 2006, she closed her practice to focus on her creative writing and expressive painting, and her spiritual practice.
Since 2003, she has deepened her understanding of the spiritual dimensions of the human experience, studying the Diamond Logos teachings with Faisal Muqaddam.
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